
~ CAUTION: MAD Science in Progress! ~


~ CAUTION: MAD Science in Progress! ~




~ Here you will find TheMADLabz News & website release notes. 

( Brief summaries of past events and news highlights. ) News & Version Release Notes:



- 02/01/2022 - Website 1.0 Launched - Beta-testing LIVE!!  :)


- 02/03/2022 - Version 1.1 release - Page updates, Menu revisions, Layout revisions


- 02/08/2022 - Version 1.2 release - Page updates, Page additions, Concept Content, Artworks


- 02/16/2022 - ***  Virgin Group CEO Richard Branson lures Robert away to Necker Island, makes OUTRAGEOUS

Intellectual Property (IP) Demands, then holds Robert hostage!!  :(  ***    #FreeRobert   lol

         -  (See video above.)  


- 02/26/2022 - Version 1.21 release - MADLabzCollective Page Published, Subscribe Pages Published, Secret Lair Published


- 02/28/2022 - Version 1.22 release - #StandWithUkraine link added to News/History Page


- 03/7/2022 - Version 1.3 release - Additional page content, JOIN Discord server page


- 03/14/2022 - Version 1.31 release - Additional images, *** Official Grand Opening Notice for 04.04.2022!! ***


- 04/04/2022 - Version 1.4 release - ***  OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING WEEK!! *** - OFFICIAL LIVE-LAUNCH!! :D

     (Kickoff-Week Event dates: Monday, April 4th thru Monday, April 11th)


- 04/10/2022 - *** New MAD video production from our YouTube channel! *** (

     (* Another new MAD Video Production scheduled to close out our Website LIVE kickoff event week! ...Stay Tuned!)


- 04/11/2022 - ***  Virgin Group CEO Richard Branson banishes Robert to Flat-Earth!!  :o  ***

#FlatEarthed    #FreeRobert   #SaveTheWorld      lol

         -  (See video above.)


- 04/11/2022 - Version 1.5 release - Grand Opening Kickoff Event closing, Closing MAD Video production published


~  Thank you MADLabz Founding Elders!  :D  ~


- 04/15/2022 - Version 2.0 release - Website Theme & Image Renovations, All pages updated


- 04/19/2022 - Version 2.1 release - Final 2.x Images added, IP VAULTS & OPERATIONS ROOMS links added to Site Map. ...Shifting MAD focus onto IP Disclosures, MAD Operations, and THE-MAD-CHATTER feed. ...Stay tuned!!


- 04/21/2022 - Version 2.2 release - Intellectual Property (IP) Vaults 3-10 published!! ...(with official public notifications to follow on 04/22/2022.)


- 05/02/2022 - Version 2.3 release - Intellectual Property (IP) Vault 11 published!!


- 09/22/2023 - Version 2.31 release - Blowing the dust off... - Undergoing Renovations. . ...Stay tuned!!



-----------------------  COMING SOON!!  -----------------------


- xx/xx/xx - Version 3.0 release  -  (Scheduled for TBD)



Our Timeline:


~ Please Stay Tuned... 'Our Timeline' coming soon!  :)


Our Achievements:



Intellectual Properties (IPs) Developed

~ Please Stay Tuned... 'Our IP Development Achievements' coming soon!  :)


Operations Completed

~ Please Stay Tuned... 'Our MAD-Operations Achievements' coming soon!  :)